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Well done. Very fun and it kept me playing for a long time


heya paskdev, thx a lot i try my best. at the moment i create more content, for the next level. :D the game will grow.
and i will update it each month. thx for your nice feedback.

We need more Moonpie.

Heya Rainy in the next time i will create much more Moonpie stuff yay XD 

Yay \o/

On the moon in a silent night, an alpaca dances, pure delight!

aaawwww ^-^ 

Alpaka with gun! nice :-)

yaaay xD

I've been following the game for a while and am looking forward to finally playing it. It really is a lot of fun. I'm excited!

Thank you so much, that's really very kind. In the coming days, I'll work on creating more content for the game. :)